WOD 01.02.10

19 Hour fasted-state pre-workout.  Had a double green tea, 400mg caffeine, and taurine shooter just prior to starting  WOD.



5 min Jump Rope

* * *

Next, grab a broomstick:

50 Standing Twists with plyometric opposite leg lift

50 Good Mornings

50 Squats

* * *

50 Bench Dips

50 Push ups on Swiss ball (mixed)



Alternate between the following 2 exercises, as fast as possible:

a) 15 reps 135 lb Deadlifts

b) 15 Push ups

10 Rounds

* I completed 10 rounds in 15:54 min.

Felt really good on the push ups; breezed through them without any lapses.

The deadlifts were ok; took a slight break around the 10th rep on the last 6 rounds.


Heavy Deadlifts:

1) 8 reps @ 195 lbs

2) 6 reps @ 225

3) 2 reps @ 311

* Hit a new PR on 3rd set! Attempted a 4th set, but it wasn’t happening.



Finally, perform 3 sets of the following 2 exercises as a superset, and take a 1 min break before attempting again:

a) 8 reps/each side One Arm DB or KB Snatches @ 45 lbs

b) 60 sec jump rope (sprint)

* * *

Then 2 sets of the same moves:

a) 15 reps/each side One Arm DB or KB Snatches @ 35 lbs

b) 2 min jump rope

* * * * *



It always feels good to hit new PR’s. i attribute it consistantcy in the gym, but so much of it is due to clean eating.

When was the last time you hit a PR? What exercise were you doing?

Just getting into a workout rhythm is the first step. Challenge yourself each time you do get in your workouts.

This was the 4th time I have performed this Deadlift/Push up WOD. If you’re intermediate to advanced, try is as is.  Otherwise, scale the weights, and the reps down to what is do-able now.  It’s okay to take breaks when scaling WOD’s as well.

I want to leave you with a short & sweet CrossFit Video: Shoulder Warmup

Was this video helpful to you?

Like this workout, or want to share your thoughts here? But…

If you’re concerned with signing in to my site, don’t be…I hate spam, and even though you will be prompted to for your email, I would NEVER share it with anyone! Additionally, you can use a made-up user name, too

Be Well,

Maximillian Barry

WOD 12.25.09



5 min jump rope


Metabolic Conditioning (Metcon) WOD:

30 sec sprint (jump rope)

15 Kettlebell Swings (45 lbs)

15 Push-ups

Metcon workouts generally consist of full body circuit, which boosts both aerobic AND anaerobic pathways.

Perform all moves in this circuit, as fast as possible (no breaks) until your reach 5 rounds.

* I completed 5 rounds in 7:19 minutes.

Main WOD: ‘ELIZABETH’ (scaled)

‘Elizabeth’ is a CrossFit benchmark routine.  Perform as a circuit, as fast as possible (no breaks).

Rep scheme: 21, 15, 9. Alternate between these 2 moves:

Full Squat Cleans (95 lbs)

Bench Dips

* I completed ‘Elizabeth’ in 9:52 minutes

After Party

25 Kettlebell Swings (35 lbs)

25 Double unders

25 KB Swings (35 lbs)

25 Double unders

25 Broomstick Twists

25 Squats

25 Broomstick Twists

25 Squats

* I completed this mega-circuit in 9:38 minutes

Hotel Lobby

5 min light jump rope

Total Workout Time Today____37 minutes

I took yesterday off, so I was feeling well rested going into todays Multi-WOD session.  Plus, I’m going big for the holidays!

Are you getting in your workouts this time of year?

I had another great workout partner today…thanks Shana. You absolutely killed it girl! Shana is my favorite- albeit the only- sister in the whole wide world 🙂 I think she’s extra motivated right now, as there’s a cruise in her near future.  We are all motivated by different things…and that’s okay. The trick is keeping it up.

It’s all too easy to get out of a routine right about now.  However, it’s just as good a time-if not better- to form a workout habit.  Making time with family and friends to engage in group activities/workouts is a fantastic way to add fuel to the proverbial fire.

Hope you’re having a healthy and happy holiday season!

Be Well,



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